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1996 Nissan Sentra Insurance Quotes

If this is your first time buying auto insurance online, you can be overwhelmed because of the huge number of companies offering insurance. Getting a lower price on Sentra insurance is actually quite simple. You just have to invest a little time to compare quotes provided by online insurance companies. This is very easy and can be done simply by entering your zip code above.

Insurance rates paid to insure a 1996 Nissan Sentra can be significantly different depending on several factors. Including but not limited to:

  • High performance increases premiums
  • Accidents raise premiums
  • Home and auto can earn discounts
  • How you use your vehicle
  • Your birth date
  • Being married may save money
  • Add-on coverages such as rental reimbursement
  • Claims drive up premiums
  • Professional memberships
  • Home ownership saves money

If you're concerned about not getting proper coverage when buying direct, that is normal but is not a big issue. Car insurance companies that require consumers to choose their own coverages have customer service departments you can use to get advice on coverages. Additionally, most companies also offer live help and an extensive research center so you can feel comfortable buying online. When quoting auto insurance, remember that more comparison quotes gives you a better chance of getting lower pricing. Insurers near you that can insure a 1996 Nissan Sentra including but not limited to are:

  • Farm Bureau
  • Liberty Mutual
  • State Farm
  • Auto-Owners Insurance
  • Geico
  • Progressive
  • Nationwide

Multiple insurers provide coverage in your state, so we recommend you get online quotes for every provider to find the best price.

1996 Nissan Sentra insurance rates

Or to view a list of auto insurance companies in your area click here.

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