How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost for Young Drivers in Massachusetts?

How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost for Young Drivers in Massachusetts?

The vehicle you are seeking coverage for is one of the primary factors when shopping for the most affordable coverage for young drivers. Vehicles with economical engines, an excellent safety record, or a low likelihood of liability claims will cost substantially less to insure than fast, unsafe models. The next list outlines coverage premiums for some of the cheaper vehicles to insure in Massachusetts.

Cheapest Auto Insurance Rates for Young Drivers in Massachusetts
Make and Model Estimated Cost for Full Coverage
Honda Accord LX 4-Dr Sedan $2,868
Ford Escape XLT 4WD $2,896
Honda CR-V EX 4WD $2,904
Volkswagen Jetta S 2.5 Station Wagon $3,076
Toyota Prius $3,104
Chevrolet Traverse LTZ AWD $3,114
Dodge Grand Caravan CV $3,220
Kia Forte LX 4-Dr Sedan $3,229
Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 2WD $3,220
Subaru Outback 2.5I $3,248
Subaru Forester XT Limited Edition W/Navigation AWD $3,312
Ford Edge SEL AWD $3,372
Toyota Sienna XLE $3,400
Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4WD $3,408
Toyota RAV4 Sport 2WD $3,400
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Table data represents single female driver age 17, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1,000 deductibles, and Massachusetts minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, and safe-driver. Rate information does not factor in specific location which can change coverage prices significantly.

Based upon the rates shown, you can infer that vehicles like the Honda Accord, Ford Escape, Honda CR-V, and Volkswagen Jetta are most likely to be some of the most economical vehicles to insure for youthful drivers. The price for an auto insurance policy will tend to be more expensive anyway just because there is more liability risk for young drivers, but overall those vehicles will probably have the lowest insurance prices available.

One of the key things that car insurance companies use when figuring rate quotes is the neighborhood you call home in Massachusetts. More populated areas like Revere, Lynn, and Springfield will most likely have higher rates, whereas areas with less crime or weather claims profit from lower rates.

The information below ranks the highest-priced places in Massachusetts for young drivers to purchase car insurance in.

How much is auto insurance in Massachusetts?
Rank City Annual Rate
1 Revere $2,148
2 Brockton $2,122
3 Lynn $1,979
4 Malden $1,917
5 Springfield $1,870
6 Lawrence $1,839
7 Boston $1,805
8 Worcester $1,746
9 Fall River $1,700
10 New Bedford $1,698
11 Somerville $1,599
12 Quincy $1,581
13 Medford $1,574
14 Lowell $1,511
15 Cambridge $1,506
16 Chicopee $1,500
17 Weymouth $1,491
18 Haverhill $1,482
19 Taunton $1,455
20 Brookline $1,442
21 Peabody $1,406
22 Methuen $1,403
23 Framingham $1,390
24 Newton $1,350
25 Waltham $1,341
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Rate quotes are comparative as specific Massachusetts zip code can increase or decrease price quotes greatly.

Does Progressive, Geico, State Farm, or Allstate have the cheapest car insurance?

If you want reliable car insurance for youthful drivers in Massachusetts, four companies you’ll want quotes from are Progressive, Geico, State Farm, and Allstate. The following table rates ratings for price, service, and claims, in additional to some of the optional coverages you can expect with each one.

Ratings for Progressive, Geico, State Farm, and Allstate
Progressive Geico State Farm Allstate
Overall Cost 3rd 1st 2nd 4th
Customer Satisfaction 3rd 1st 4th 2nd
Claims Handling 4th 3rd 2nd 1st
Discounts Available 4th 2nd 3rd 1st
Rating from A.M. Best A+ A++ A++ A+
Standard & Poor’s financial rating AA AA+ AA AA-
Emergency roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
New car replacement insurance No No No Yes
Accident forgiveness coverage Yes Yes No Yes
Mechanical breakdown insurance Yes Yes No No
Usage-based rating Yes No Yes Yes
Coverage for ridesharing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Coverage in Massachusetts Yes Yes Yes Yes
Insurance Agents Online or from independent agents From a Geico agent or online State Farm exclusive agents Only buy from Allstate agents
Number of agents 30,000+ 150+ 18,000+ 11,000+
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