Who Has the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes for Veterans in Massachusetts?

Who Has the Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes for Veterans in Massachusetts?

The vehicle model that is being insured is a large consideration that determines whether or not you find the cheapest auto insurance for veterans in Massachusetts. Vehicles with lower performance, advanced safety features, or low incidents of liability claims will cost substantially less to insure than fast, unsafe models. The list below shows auto insurance costs for a selection of the most cost-effective automobiles to insure.

Cheapest Auto Insurance Rates for Veterans in Massachusetts
Vehicle Make and Model Estimated Cost for Full Coverage
Chevrolet Traverse LS AWD $786
Ford Escape Limited 4WD $818
Honda CR-V EX 4WD $868
Hyundai Tucson Limited 4WD $880
Chevrolet Impala LT $886
Toyota RAV4 Limited 4WD $880
Subaru Outback 3.6R $900
Toyota Camry XLE $932
Toyota Sienna XLE AWD $940
Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 2WD $938
Chevrolet Silverado LT Regular Cab 2WD $947
Ford F-150 FX2 Super Cab 2WD $948
Subaru Forester X AWD $954
Toyota Prius $968
Ford Edge SEL 2WD $978
Hyundai Santa Fe GLS 2WD $984
Chevrolet Equinox LS AWD $1,000
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport 4WD 4-Dr $1,006
Kia Optima EX $1,010
Hyundai Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan $1,015
Chevrolet Malibu LS $1,010
Nissan Altima 2.5 4-Dr Sedan $1,018
Dodge Grand Caravan SXT $1,036
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Data rating is based on married female driver age 30, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and Massachusetts minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, multi-policy, multi-vehicle, claim-free, and safe-driver. Rate information does not factor in specific garaging location which can decrease or increase prices greatly.

Based upon the table data, you can figure that cars like the Chevrolet Traverse, Ford Escape, Honda CR-V, Hyundai Tucson, and Chevrolet Impala will definitely be some of the cheapest vehicles to insure for veterans.

When shopping for cheaper car insurance for veterans, one of the many things that help determine the cost of insurance is where you normally keep your vehicle. More densely populated places like Revere, Malden, and Springfield tend to pay more, whereas areas with fewer weather claims and lower vehicle theft rates benefit from lower coverage costs.

The illustration below shows the highest-priced areas in Massachusetts for veterans in which to buy car insurance.

How much does car insurance cost in Massachusetts?
Rank City Premium Per Year
1 Revere $2,148
2 Brockton $2,059
3 Malden $1,936
4 Lynn $1,920
5 Springfield $1,908
6 Lawrence $1,896
7 Boston $1,805
8 New Bedford $1,750
9 Fall River $1,717
10 Worcester $1,695
11 Somerville $1,599
12 Medford $1,590
13 Quincy $1,549
14 Lowell $1,511
15 Chicopee $1,470
16 Cambridge $1,446
17 Weymouth $1,446
18 Haverhill $1,424
19 Taunton $1,412
20 Waltham $1,395
21 Framingham $1,390
22 Brookline $1,386
23 Peabody $1,364
24 Methuen $1,348
25 Newton $1,324
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Premium costs are approximated as the specific geographic location can impact auto insurance rates considerably.

Tickets and at-fault accidents raise rates

In a perfect world, the ideal way to obtain affordable insurance rates in Massachusetts for veterans is to be a cautious driver and avoid accidents and keep your driving record clean. The example below shows how violations and at-fault fender-benders can affect insurance rates for each age group. Data assumes a married female driver, full coverage, $1,000 deductibles, and no additional discounts are factored in.

In the chart above, the average cost of car insurance in Massachusetts per year with no accidents and a clean driving record is $1,079. Receive one speeding ticket and the average cost jumps to $1,258, an increase of $179 each year. Now get one accident along with the one speeding ticket and the 12-month cost of insurance for veterans goes up to an average of $1,755. That’s an increase of $676, or $56 per month, just for not keeping your driving record clean!

Cost of full coverage

Finding the cheapest auto insurance for veterans in Massachusetts is probably important to the majority of drivers, and an easy way to find cheaper insurance is to not buy full coverage. The diagram below shows the difference between insurance costs with full coverage and liability only. Data assumes no accidents, no driving violations, $500 deductibles, single marital status, and no additional discounts are factored in.

If we average all the age groups together, full coverage costs an extra $1,576 per year more than just buying liability only. Many of you may wonder if it’s a good idea to buy full coverage. There is no definitive rule to delete comprehensive and collision coverage on your policy, but there is a broad guideline. If the yearly cost of comp and collision coverage is more than 10% of the replacement cost of your vehicle minus the policy deductible, then you might want to consider buying only liability coverage.

There are some situations where eliminating full coverage is not in your best interest. If you still have a loan on your vehicle, you must maintain physical damage coverage in order to keep the loan. Also, if your finances do not allow you to purchase a different vehicle in case of an accident, you should maintain full coverage.

Allstate, Progressive, Geico, or State Farm: Who is cheapest?

When comparing car insurance for veterans in Massachusetts, the four most popular companies are Allstate, Progressive, Geico, and State Farm. When added together, they insure about half of the entire U.S. car insurance market. The table below shows some of the different options shoppers can find with each company.

Allstate, Progressive, Geico, and State Farm Compared
Allstate Progressive Geico State Farm
Overall Cost 4th 3rd 1st 2nd
Number of Discounts 1st 4th 2nd 3rd
Overall Satisfaction 2nd 3rd 1st 4th
Claims Handling 1st 4th 3rd 2nd
Percent of U.S. market 10% 8.8% 11.4% 18.3%
A.M. Best financial rating A+ A+ A++ A++
Rideshare insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accident forgiveness coverage Yes Yes Yes No
Roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
New car replacement insurance Yes No No No
Usage-based insurance Yes Yes No Yes
Mechnical breakdown No Yes Yes No
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