Best Cheap Car Insurance for Teenage Males in Virginia

Best Cheap Car Insurance for Teenage Males in Virginia

The vehicle that needs insurance is a large factor when shopping around for the best cheap car insurance for teenage males in Virginia. Vehicles with high performance engines, a lack of safety features, or high incidents of liability claims will cost more to insure than more economical and safe models. The list below presents auto insurance costs for a handful of the most affordable vehicles to insure.

Cheapest Auto Insurance Rates for Teenage Males in Virginia
Make, Model, and Trim Level Estimated Cost for Full Coverage
Honda CR-V EX 2WD $2,275
Ford Escape XLS 4WD $2,280
Chevrolet Traverse LS 2WD $2,301
Hyundai Elantra SE Touring Station Wagon $2,464
Toyota Prius $2,490
Chevrolet Silverado LS Regular Cab 4WD $2,512
Dodge Grand Caravan CV $2,538
Ford F-150 XL Super Cab 4WD $2,546
Ford Focus SE 4-Dr Sedan $2,675
Ford Edge SEL AWD $2,685
Subaru Forester XT Limited Edition AWD $2,678
Nissan Altima 2.5 4-Dr Sedan $2,701
Chevrolet Malibu LS $2,708
Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 2WD $2,701
Hyundai Tucson Limited 4WD $2,708
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Table data assumes single male driver age 16, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and Virginia minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, and safe-driver. Premium costs do not factor in specific Virginia garaging location which can influence rates greatly.

Based on these rates, you can expect makes and models like the Honda CR-V, Ford Escape, and Chevrolet Traverse are likely to be a few of the most affordable vehicles to insure for teen boys. The price of auto insurance will be more costly just because there is a higher risk for teenage males, but overall those specific models will probably have the cheapest auto insurance rates that you are likely to find.

When shopping for the cheapest car insurance for teen boys, one of the many things used to calculate the amount you pay for auto insurance is where your car is garaged. Areas with a lot of weather claims or more people like Burke, Centreville, and Lake Ridge tend to have higher auto insurance costs, whereas areas that tend to be more rural get the luxury of paying less.

The illustration below illustrates the most expensive areas in Virginia for teenage males to purchase a policy in.

How much is auto insurance in Virginia?
Rank City Annual Rate
1 Burke $1,068
2 Dale City $1,038
3 Centreville $1,027
4 Alexandria $1,005
5 Lake Ridge $1,002
6 Norfolk $1,000
7 Reston $992
8 McLean $985
9 Arlington $983
10 Richmond $975
11 Portsmouth $963
12 Tuckahoe $957
13 Newport News $948
14 Virginia Beach $938
15 Suffolk $937
16 Hampton $934
17 Danville $922
18 Ashburn $920
19 Chesapeake $908
20 Charlottesville $895
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Prices are approximated as the garaging address in Virginia can decrease or increase rates significantly.

The example below illustrates how your deductible choice can influence insurance rates when quoting cheap insurance for teenage males. The rates are based on a single male driver, comprehensive and collision coverage, and no other discounts are factored in.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawDfdqcibChart);function drawDfdqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘$100 Deductible’,’$250 Deductible’,’$500 Deductible’,’$1,000 Deductible’],[‘Age 20’, 2533,2309,2067,1839],[‘Age 30’, 1317,1215,1093,973],[‘Age 40’, 1309,1197,1071,949],[‘Age 50’, 1189,1091,977,869],[‘Age 60’, 1147,1053,947,841],[‘Age 70’, 1391,1283,1161,1049]]);var options = {title: ‘Comparison of Deductible Levels and Auto Insurance Rates in Virginia’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 700,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’,’height’: ‘80%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’,textStyle: {fontSize: 12}},bar: {groupWidth: ‘80%’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#75a8d8′,’#98bee2′,’#bad4ec’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Auto Insurance Cost for Average Vehicle’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);formatter.format(data,3);formatter.format(data,4);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibdfd’));chart.draw(data, options);}

A 50-year-old driver could lower their car insurance rates by $212 a year by switching the physical damage coverage from a $100 deductible to a $500 deductible, or save $320 by switching to a $1,000 deductible. Youthful drivers, such as the Age 20 example, could roll back prices $694 annually by choosing a larger deductible amount.

When raising deductibles, it will now be necessary to have enough savings set aside to allow you to cover the extra out-of-pocket expense, which is the one inconvenience of using high deductibles.

Best rates: Progressive, Allstate, State Farm, or Geico

When comparing rates for auto insurance, some of the first companies to look at are Progressive, Allstate, State Farm, and Geico. When combined, they have 48.5% of all policies written in the United States. All four offer physical damage and liability coverage, but each has somewhat different options that you can choose from. The following table compares ratings for price and service, as well as some optional coverages that policyholders can buy.

Top U.S. Car Insurance Company Ratings
Progressive Allstate State Farm Geico
Claims Service 4th 1st 2nd 3rd
Customer Satisfaction 3rd 2nd 4th 1st
Price Overall 3rd 4th 2nd 1st
Discounts Offered 4th 1st 3rd 2nd
Market share percentage 8.8% 10% 18.3% 11.4%
Rating from A.M. Best A+ A+ A++ A++
S&P financial rating AA AA- AA AA+
Rideshare coverage Yes Yes Yes Yes
Breakdown insurance Yes No No Yes
Accident forgiveness coverage Yes Yes No Yes
Emergency roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
New car replacement coverage No Yes No No
Rate for vehicle usage Yes Yes Yes No
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Tips for finding the cheapest auto insurance for teenage males

Below you’ll find many thrifty ideas that can help Virginia drivers find cheap car insurance.

  • Do not get tickets
  • Vehicles with safetly features generally cost less to insure
  • Bundle home or renters insurance to earn a discount on car insurance
  • Accident-free drivers may qualify for discounts
  • If possible, pay for small claims out-of-pocket
  • Keep rates low by shopping around frequently

The last item on the list is extraordinarily critical, as we pointed out in this piece. Auto insurance rates can change considerably in a year, so don’t be hesitant to buy a different policy if a better rate can be found. Many drivers prefer to stick with one company, but is isn’t recommended if it’s costing you a fortune every year. If you have a few minutes, compare prices and find cheaper car insurance for teenage males.