How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost for Drivers Over Age 50 in Virginia?

How Much Does Auto Insurance Cost for Drivers Over Age 50 in Virginia?

The vehicle model needing coverage is a large consideration when consumers are trying to find cheap car insurance for drivers over age 50 in Virginia. Vehicles with more horsepower, poor safety ratings, or an increased likelihood of liability claims will cost quite a bit more to insure than more modest models.

The list below outlines auto insurance premiums for a selection of the cheapest automobiles to buy insurance for.

Cheapest Auto Insurance Rates for Drivers Over Age 50 in Virginia
Vehicle Make and Model Estimated Cost for Full Coverage
Ford Escape XLT 2WD $467
Honda Accord LX-P 4-Dr Sedan $474
Honda CR-V EX-L 4WD $477
Chevrolet Traverse LT 2WD $488
Hyundai Tucson GLS 2WD $513
Toyota Prius $519
Dodge Grand Caravan CV $524
Hyundai Santa Fe GLS 2WD $544
Ford Focus S 4-Dr Sedan $553
Honda Odyssey EX W/Rear Entertainment $544
Honda Civic DX 4-Dr Sedan $550
Ford Edge Limited 2WD $544
Volkswagen Jetta SE 2.5 Station Wagon $548
Toyota RAV4 Sport 2WD $554
Chevrolet Impala LT $559
Toyota Camry LE $554
Chevrolet Equinox LT AWD $560
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Price data assumes single male driver age 50, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1,000 deductibles, and Virginia minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, multi-vehicle, multi-policy, safe-driver, and homeowner. Estimates do not factor in zip code location which can impact premium rates significantly.

Looking at the rates, you can conclude that makes and models like the Ford Escape, Honda Accord, and Honda CR-V should be some of the cheaper vehicles to insure for older drivers.

Trying to find budget auto insurance is not always easy, and finding out which company quotes the lowest-priced insurance rates for drivers over age 50 will take even more rate comparisons. Rates will probably be slightly less expensive than the average policy in Virginia, with the decrease attributed to the reduced risk that goes along with selling coverage for older drivers. Reasonably-priced coverage should be attainable without looking to hard.
Every auto insurer has their own unique process to set policy rates, so first we will examine the overall cheapest insurance companies in Virginia.

Find the Cheapest Auto Insurance for Age 50+

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Cheapest insurance companies in Virginia
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 Travelers $679
2 USAA $709
3 Penn National $718
4 Cincinnati Insurance $741
5 Auto-Owners $758
6 Utica National $781
7 The Hartford $801
8 Erie $804
9 Virginia Farm Bureau $834
10 Donegal Mutual $852
11 Nationwide $963
12 Allied $992
13 ALFA $1,018
14 GEICO $1,036
15 National Grange Mutual $1,071
16 State Farm $1,132
17 Chubb $1,145
18 Electric $1,228
19 Progressive $1,259
20 California Casualty $1,277
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Travelers may offer some of the lowest car insurance rates in Virginia at around $679 per year. USAA, Penn National, Cincinnati Insurance, and Auto-Owners also make the cut as some of the most economical Virginia car insurance companies.

In the above rates, if you have coverage with Auto-Owners and switched to USAA, you may realize savings of roughly $49. Virginia drivers with Utica National may save as much as $72 a year, and The Hartford customers might reduce rates by $92 a year.

To get a fast rate comparison, click here to get quotes or quote rates from the companies below.

Bear in mind that those rates are averaged for all insureds and vehicles and and are not calculated with a rate discount for drivers over age 50. So the car insurance company that fits you best may not even be featured in the rate chart shown above. That emphasizes why you need to quote rates from many companies using your own driver data and vehicle information.

One of the many things that is used to help calculate rate quotes is the neighborhood you call home in Virginia. Areas with more people or higher crime rates like Burke, Dale City, and Centreville are more likely to have higher rates, whereas areas that tend to be more rural receive better rates.

The information below sorts the priciest cities in Virginia for drivers over age 50 to buy an auto insurance policy in.

How much does auto insurance cost in Virginia?
Rank City Annual Premium
1 Burke $1,057
2 Lake Ridge $1,042
3 Dale City $1,038
4 Alexandria $1,036
5 Centreville $1,027
6 McLean $1,025
7 Arlington $1,003
8 Richmond $985
9 Reston $983
10 Hampton $972
11 Tuckahoe $967
12 Norfolk $960
13 Newport News $958
14 Portsmouth $943
15 Danville $940
16 Suffolk $928
17 Chesapeake $926
18 Ashburn $920
19 Virginia Beach $910
20 Leesburg $895
21 Charlottesville $886
22 Lynchburg $869
23 Roanoke $823
24 Harrisonburg $800
25 Blacksburg $791
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Rate information is comparative as specific location information can revise insurance rates noticeably.

Progressive, Geico, Allstate, or State Farm: Who is best?

When shopping around for car insurance for older drivers in Virginia, the companies that insure more vehicles than anyone else are Progressive, Geico, Allstate, and State Farm. Between them, they insure nearly half of all policies written. The table below ranks price, claims, and customer service ratings, as well as some optional coverages offered by each company.

Auto Insurance Companies Compared
Progressive Geico Allstate State Farm
Policy Cost 3rd 1st 4th 2nd
Client Satisfaction 3rd 1st 2nd 4th
Discounts Available 4th 2nd 1st 3rd
Handling of Claims 4th 3rd 1st 2nd
A.M. Best rating A+ A++ A+ A++
Standard & Poor’s financial rating AA AA+ AA- AA
Mechanical breakdown insurance Yes Yes No No
Rate for vehicle usage Yes No Yes Yes
Roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rideshare insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes
New car replacement insurance No No Yes No
Accident forgiveness Yes Yes Yes No
Insurance Agents Indpendent agents or online Can buy online or use a Geico agent Allstate exclusive agents Can only buy from State Farm agents
Number of agents 30,000+ 150+ 11,000+ 18,000+
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