How Much are Insurance Quotes for Electric Cars in New Jersey?

How Much are Insurance Quotes for Electric Cars in New Jersey?

The vehicle you are trying to insure is a significant factor that determines whether or not you find the most affordable coverage for electric cars. Vehicles with economical engines, good crash test ratings, or a positive history of liability claims will cost quite a bit less to insure than higher performance models.

The data below illustrates coverage costs for a number of the cheapest automobiles to insure in New Jersey.

Insurance Rates for Popular Cars in New Jersey
Make, Model, and Trim Level Annual Cost Semi-Annual Cost Monthly Cost
Chevrolet Malibu LTZ $1,532 $766 $128
Ford Focus SEL 4-Dr Sedan $1,462 $731 $122
Honda Accord LX-P 4-Dr Sedan $1,192 $596 $99
Honda Civic SI 2-Dr Coupe $1,862 $931 $155
Hyundai Elantra SE Touring Station Wagon $1,308 $654 $109
Kia Optima LX $1,500 $750 $125
Nissan Altima 2.5 S 2-Dr Coupe $1,620 $810 $135
Toyota Corolla XLE $1,496 $748 $125
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Data variables include married male driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and New Jersey minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-policy, homeowner, safe-driver, claim-free, and multi-vehicle. Price information does not factor in the specific area where the vehicle is garaged which can decrease or increase premium rates noticeably.

Insurance Rates for Popular SUVs and Crossovers in New Jersey
Make, Model, and Trim Level Annual Cost Semi-Annual Cost Monthly Cost
Acura RDX AWD $1,308 $654 $109
Chevrolet Traverse LTZ AWD $1,344 $672 $112
Ford Escape XLT 4WD $1,226 $613 $102
Ford Expedition Limited 4WD $1,464 $732 $122
Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer 4WD $1,448 $724 $121
GMC Acadia SLE AWD $1,412 $706 $118
Honda CR-V LX 4WD $1,192 $596 $99
Honda Pilot Touring 2WD $1,448 $724 $121
Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 2WD $1,412 $706 $118
Nissan Pathfinder SE 2WD $1,330 $665 $111
Subaru Forester X AWD $1,344 $672 $112
Toyota 4Runner SR/5 2WD $1,344 $672 $112
Toyota Highlander Sport 2WD $1,448 $724 $121
Toyota RAV4 Limited 4WD $1,412 $706 $118
Volvo XC90 3.2 AWD $1,650 $825 $138
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Data variables include married male driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and New Jersey minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include homeowner, multi-vehicle, claim-free, safe-driver, and multi-policy. Price information does not factor in the specific area where the vehicle is garaged which can lower or raise coverage prices substantially.

Car Insurance Rates for Popular Pickup Trucks in New Jersey
Make, Model, and Trim Level Annual Cost Semi-Annual Cost Monthly Cost
Chevrolet Colorado LT 2WD $1,260 $630 $105
Chevrolet Silverado 3500HD LTZ Crew Cab 2WD $1,602 $801 $134
Chevrolet Silverado Crew Cab Hybrid 4WD $1,650 $825 $138
Dodge Ram 2500 Crew Cab ST 4WD $1,656 $828 $138
Dodge Ram Crew Cab ST 4WD $1,536 $768 $128
Ford F-150 Lariat Super Cab 2WD $1,448 $724 $121
Ford F-250 XLT Super Cab 4WD $1,734 $867 $145
GMC Sierra 2500HD SLT Extended Cab 2WD $1,702 $851 $142
GMC Sierra Denali Crew Cab 2WD $1,650 $825 $138
Toyota Tundra SR/5 Crew Max 4WD $1,656 $828 $138
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Prices based on married male driver age 40, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $500 deductibles, and New Jersey minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include multi-policy, multi-vehicle, safe-driver, homeowner, and claim-free. Prices do not factor in the specific area where the vehicle is garaged which can decrease or increase premium rates greatly.

Establishing which company quotes the cheapest car insurance rates for electric cars calls for a little more sweat than just comparing a company or two. Every insurance company uses their own formula for determining rates in each state, so we will examine the overall cheapest car insurance companies in New Jersey.

It’s important to know that New Jersey car insurance rates are calculated based on many things which can substantially decrease or increase your annual premium. Simply improving your credit, buying another vehicle, or getting a ticket for running a stop sign may cause policy rate changes resulting in some rates now being cheaper than competitors.

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Cheapest auto insurance in New Jersey ranked by cost per year
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 21st Century $1,067
2 Travelers $1,145
3 New Jersey Manufacturers $1,258
4 Penn National $1,325
5 Palisades $1,341
6 California Casualty $1,437
7 The Hartford $1,536
8 Allstate $1,538
9 USAA $1,538
10 Mercury $1,651
11 Progressive $1,862
12 Amica $1,869
13 Esurance $1,913
14 MetLife $1,991
15 State Farm $2,226
16 GEICO $2,240
17 Encompass $2,374
18 Liberty Mutual $3,008
19 Hanover $4,027
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21st Century quotes some of the lowest car insurance rates in New Jersey at around $1,067 per year. Travelers, New Jersey Manufacturers, Penn National, and Palisades also make the cut as some of the more affordable New Jersey auto insurance companies.

As shown in the table above, if you currently buy coverage from Palisades and switched to Travelers, you could realize yearly savings of in the neighborhood of $196. New Jersey drivers with California Casualty may save as much as $292 a year, and The Hartford insureds might cut rates by $391 a year.

Be aware that those estimates are averaged for all insureds and vehicles and do not factor in a rate discount for electric cars. So the insurer that fits you best may not even be in the list above. That is why you need to get car insurance quotes using your own driver data and vehicle information.

One of the more important things that play a part in determining the amount you pay each year for auto insurance is where you live in New Jersey. Larger areas like Newark, Elizabeth, and West New York tend to have more expensive car insurance rates, whereas areas with fewer weather claims and lower vehicle theft rates generally pay less for insurance.

The information below lists the most expensive places in New Jersey for electric cars in which to purchase auto insurance.

How much is auto insurance in New Jersey?
Rank City Premium Per Year
1 Newark $2,522
2 East Orange $2,495
3 Elizabeth $2,470
4 Union City $2,450
5 West New York $2,431
6 Passaic $2,395
7 Paterson $2,376
8 Clifton $2,368
9 Hoboken $2,353
10 Kearny $2,289
11 Jersey City $2,253
12 Camden $2,221
13 Bayonne $2,184
14 Fort Lee $2,144
15 Linden $2,121
16 Perth Amboy $2,081
17 Atlantic City $2,024
18 Hackensack $1,980
19 Plainfield $1,956
20 Trenton $1,954
21 New Brunswick $1,875
22 Lakewood $1,874
23 Sayreville $1,863
24 Vineland $1,806
25 Toms River $1,725
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Price information shown is comparative as the vehicle garaging location can affect premium rates considerably.

Full coverage rates compared to liability only

Finding cheap insurance for electric cars in New Jersey is important to the majority of people, and one common way to reduce the cost of insurance is to not pay for full coverage. The diagram below shows the comparison of auto insurance rates with and without full coverage. The premiums are based on no tickets, no at-fault accidents, $100 deductibles, single status, and no other discounts are factored in.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawFclqcibChart);function drawFclqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Full Coverage with $100 Deductibles’, ‘Liability Only’],[‘Age 20’, 4709,1447],[‘Age 30’, 2445,793],[‘Age 40’, 2419,733],[‘Age 50’, 2199,687],[‘Age 60’, 2123,675],[‘Age 70’, 2577,903]]);var options = {title: ‘Comparison of Rates for Full Coverage and Liability Only’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9′,’#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Auto Insurance Cost for Average Vehicle in New Jersey’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibfcl’));chart.draw(data, options);}

As an overall average, comp and collision coverage costs $2,745 per year more than just buying liability only. At some point, almost every driver questions if buying full coverage is worth the money. There isn’t a written rule of when to phase out full coverage on your policy, but there is a broad guideline. If the yearly cost of comp and collision coverage is about 10% or more of the replacement cost of your vehicle minus the policy deductible, then it might be time to buy liability only.

For example, let’s assume your vehicle’s settlement value is $6,500 and you have $1,000 policy deductibles. If your vehicle is damaged in an accident, you would only receive $5,500 after paying your policy deductible. If it’s costing you more than $550 a year for full coverage, then you might want to consider buying only liability coverage.

Discounts on cheap insurance for electric cars in New Jersey

Car insurance for eco-friendly vehicles in New JerseyAuto insurance companies that offer cheap quotes for electric cars may additionally offer special discounts that can reduce rates by 30% or more if you meet the requirements. A list of car insurance companies and the discounts they provide include:

Auto Insurance Discounts for Popular Insurance Companies
Discount State Farm Progressive Allstate Geico Nationwide Liberty Mutual
Bundle discount Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multiple vehicles Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Anti-theft Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-lock brakes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
Air bags Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Newer vehicle Yes No Yes No Yes No
Eco-friendly vehicle No No Yes No No Yes
Safe driver Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Defensive driver training Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Low miles Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Military Yes Yes No Yes No No
Employment No No No Yes Yes Yes
Pay in full No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Automatic payment No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Loyalty Yes Yes No No Yes No
Sign early No No Yes No Yes No
Smart student Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Student away from home Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Own home No Yes No No No No
Use seat belts No No No Yes No No
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The example below compares annual premium costs with and without discounts applied to the policy premium. The data assumes a female driver, no claims or violations, New Jersey state minimum liability limits, comprehensive and collision coverage, and $250 deductibles. The first bar for each age group shows insurance cost with no discounts. The second bar shows the rates with accident-free, defensive driving course, multiple vehicle, vehicle safety, anti-theft, and safe-driver discounts applied. When discounts are factored in, the the amount saved on car insurance for electric cars is % or $.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawDiscqcibChart);function drawDiscqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Female Driver No Discounts’, ‘Female Driver with Discounts’],[‘Age 20’, 3527,2539],[‘Age 30’, 2433,1767],[‘Age 40’, 2261,1639],[‘Age 50’, 1979,1435],[‘Age 60’, 1909,1385],[‘Age 70’, 2229,1609]]);var options = {title: ‘Effect of Discounts on Insurance Price for Electric Cars’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’:{left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#c096ca’, ‘#e1b7ec’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Auto Insurance Cost for Average Vehicle’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibdisc’));chart.draw(data, options);}

State Farm, Allstate, Geico, or Progressive: Who is cheapest?

If you’re looking for the cheapest car insurance for eco-friendly vehicles in New Jersey, the most popular companies are State Farm, Allstate, Geico, and Progressive. Between them, they insure over 45% of all car insurance policies in America. All of them offer liability and physical damage protection, but each on has somewhat different options that may influence which company you choose. The next table points out some of the different options offered by each company.

Comparison of State Farm, Allstate, Geico, and Progressive
State Farm Allstate Geico Progressive
Number of Discounts 3rd 1st 2nd 4th
Overall Price 2nd 4th 1st 3rd
Client Satisfaction 4th 2nd 1st 3rd
Handling of Claims 2nd 1st 3rd 4th
Market share percentage 18.3% 10% 11.4% 8.8%
New car replacement No Yes No No
Accident forgiveness coverage No Yes Yes Yes
Mechnical breakdown No No Yes Yes
Usage-based insurance Yes Yes No Yes
Rideshare insurance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
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