Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes for a Learners Permit in Arkansas

Cheapest Car Insurance Quotes for a Learners Permit in Arkansas

Determining which company has the best auto insurance rates for a learners permit calls for a bit more work in order to find the lowest price. Every auto insurer has a proprietary formula for setting rates, so to begin we’ll rank the most competitive auto insurance companies in Arkansas.

It’s important that readers know that Arkansas auto insurance rates are influenced by many factors that will increase or decrease your annual premium. Simply improving your credit, having a teenage driver, or getting a DUI may generate price changes that may make certain companies more affordable than before.

Best Car Insurance Prices in Arkansas

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google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawART5qcibChart);function drawART5qcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Company’, ‘Rate’, { role: ‘style’ }], [‘USAA’, 981, ‘#67CF33’], [‘Auto Club’, 1005, ‘#55AC2A’], [‘Travelers’, 1093, ‘#468F23’], [‘Southern Farm Bureau’, 1177, ‘#3A771D’], [‘State Farm’, 1248, ‘#306318’]]);var options = {title: ‘Top Five Most Affordable Auto Insurance Companies in Arkansas’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’, fontSize: 17, bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 300,’chartArea’: {left:0,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},bar: {groupWidth: “90%”},legend: {position: ‘none’},vAxis: {viewWindowMode:’explicit’,viewWindow:{max:1348,min:0}}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});var view = new google.visualization.DataView(data);view.setColumns([0, 1,{ calc: “stringify”,sourceColumn: 1,type: “string”,role: “annotation” },2]);formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibt5cic’));chart.draw(view, options);}

USAA may have some of the best car insurance rates in Arkansas at around $981 annually. Auto Club, Travelers, Southern Farm Bureau, and State Farm also rank well as some of the cheaper Arkansas car insurance companies.

In this example, if you are a policyholder with Travelers and switched to USAA, you might see an annual premium reduction of upwards of $112. Policyholders with Southern Farm Bureau may save as much as $196 a year, and State Farm insureds might cut rates by $267 a year.

To find the cheapest auto insurance for a learners permit in Arkansas for your vehicle, click here to begin a quote or visit several of the following companies.

Be aware that those policy prices are averaged for all drivers and vehicles in Arkansas and and are not calculated with a price surcharge for a learners permit. So the insurer that can offer you the best price may not even be shown in the above rate chart. That helps illustrate why you need to get rate quotes from many companies using your own personalized driver profile and vehicle information.

When shopping for cheaper insurance for new drivers, one of the many criteria used to determine insurance cost is where your home is located in Arkansas. Regions with larger populations or more claims like El Dorado, West Memphis, and North Little Rock tend to have more expensive auto insurance rates, whereas areas with lower vehicle theft rates and fewer weather claims have the enjoyment of a little cheaper coverage.

The next table illustrates the priciest cities in Arkansas for a learners permit to buy car insurance in.

How much does auto insurance cost in Arkansas?
Rank City Premium Per Year
1 El Dorado $1,527
2 Little Rock $1,488
3 West Memphis $1,477
4 Pine Bluff $1,474
5 North Little Rock $1,472
6 Hot Springs $1,457
7 Maumelle $1,452
8 Texarkana $1,447
9 Sherwood $1,433
10 Cabot $1,425
11 Jacksonville $1,421
12 Benton $1,416
13 Bryant $1,414
14 Jonesboro $1,410
15 Paragould $1,398
16 Russellville $1,356
17 Searcy $1,353
18 Van Buren $1,347
19 Fort Smith $1,316
20 Conway $1,312
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Rates are comparative as the garaging address in Arkansas can decrease or increase premiums greatly.

The car, truck, or SUV requiring coverage is a large consideration when comparing the cheapest auto insurance for a learners permit in Arkansas. Vehicles with high performance, a lack of advanced safety features, or high incidents of liability claims will cost substantially more to insure than more modest models. The list below illustrates auto insurance costs for some of the most cost-effective vehicles to insure.

Cheapest Auto Insurance Rates for a Learners Permit in Arkansas
Vehicle Make and Model Estimated Cost for Full Coverage
Honda CR-V EX 4WD $3,626
Chevrolet Traverse LT 2WD $3,660
Ford Escape Limited 4WD $3,845
Volkswagen Jetta S 2.5 Station Wagon $3,853
Honda Accord EX-L 4-Dr Sedan $3,845
Toyota Prius $3,879
Ford Edge SE 2WD $4,007
Ford F-150 XLT Regular Cab 2WD $4,014
Dodge Grand Caravan CV $4,042
Subaru Forester XT Limited Edition AWD $4,135
Hyundai Santa Fe GLS 2WD $4,226
Ford Focus SE 4-Dr Sedan $4,232
Hyundai Tucson Limited 2WD $4,261
Chevrolet Silverado LT Extended Cab 4WD $4,266
Chevrolet Impala LT $4,261
Chevrolet Equinox LT 2WD $4,266
Toyota RAV4 Limited 2WD $4,261
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Prices based on single male driver age 16, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1,000 deductibles, and Arkansas minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, and safe-driver. Premium costs do not factor in specific location information which can decrease or increase rates noticeably.

Looking at the data, we can infer that cars like the Honda CR-V, Chevrolet Traverse, Ford Escape, and Volkswagen Jetta should be the cheapest vehicles to insure for new drivers. The cost of auto insurance will trend higher because of the fact that there is more risk for a learners permit, but overall those models will tend to have the cheapest auto insurance rates compared to all other vehicles.

Discounts on the cheapest auto insurance for a learners permit in Arkansas

Auto insurance for new drivers in ArkansasInsurance providers that provide coverage for a learners permit may also offer price discounts that may potentially lower prices by as much as 30% if you qualify. A few of the larger companies and some of their more popular discounts include:

Car Insurance Discounts by Company
Discount State Farm Allstate Progressive Geico Liberty Mutual Nationwide
Multi-policy Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Multi-vehicle Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Theft prevention Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Anti-lock brakes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No
Air bags Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Newer vehicle Yes Yes No No No Yes
No accidents Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Defensive driver Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Military Yes No Yes Yes No No
Affinity/occupation No No No Yes Yes Yes
Full payment No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Paperless billing No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Customer loyalty Yes No Yes No No Yes
Good grades Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Student away from home Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Own a home No No Yes No No No
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The illustration below illustrates the difference between insurance rates with and without discounts applied to the rates. The data assumes a male driver, no driving violations, no at-fault accidents, Arkansas state minimum liability limits, full coverage, and $100 deductibles.

The first bar for each age group shows insurance cost with no discounts. The lower bar shows the rates with continuous coverage, paperless filing, passive restraint, vehicle safety, anti-theft, and paid-in-full discounts applied. When these discounts are applied, the the average yearly reduction on auto insurance for a learners permit is % or $.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawDiscqcibChart);function drawDiscqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘Male Driver No Discounts’, ‘Male Driver with Discounts’],[‘Age 16’, 7261,5191],[‘Age 30’, 2289,1661],[‘Age 40’, 2287,1655],[‘Age 50’, 2079,1507],[‘Age 60’, 2009,1457]]);var options = {title: ‘Effect of Discounts on Insurance Rates for a Learners Permit’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’,fontSize: 17,bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 500,’chartArea’:{left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’},colors: [‘#6791b9’, ‘#98bee2’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Auto Insurance Cost for Average Vehicle’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibdisc’));chart.draw(data, options);}

Ideas for finding more affordable insurance for a learners permit

It’s not impossible to find cheaper rates, and here are a few thrifty ideas that can help Arkansas drivers locate cheap coverage.

  • Don’t have frequent claims
  • Violations and traffic tickets increase rates
  • Clean up your credit rating
  • Accident-free drivers may qualify for discounts
  • Increase your policy deductibles
  • Home or renters coverage can save on auto insurance
  • Shop around for cheaper rates regularly

That last idea is very valuable, as was affirmed in this article. Prices charged by car insurance companies fluctuate constantly, so don’t hesitate to change to a new company if a lower price can be found.

Many drivers tend to have loyalty to a certain company, but it’s not a good idea if that devotedness results in you overpaying a fortune every year. If you have a few minutes, now is a great time to compare rates to find cheaper car insurance for a learners permit.

Who has the cheapest insurance quotes for new drivers?

There are a variety of different ways to compare auto insurance prices in Arkansas, but the most frequently used are either through an exlusive agent such as Liberty Mutual or State Farm, an independent agent, or buying direct from a company like Progressive or Geico. They all have the same end result, but it’s good to know the differences in how they work.

Independent insurance agencies can place your business with multiple companies and can compare rates with each one. Independent agents are able to compare multiple rates, which may give you improved odds of finding cheaper coverage. If a cheaper rate is found, your policy can be easily switched to a new company and you stay with the same agent.

An exlusive, or captive, agency is contracted to just one company like an Auto-Owners or State Farm agent. Exclusive agents cannot quote prices from more than just one company, so it’s a good idea to get additional price quotes.

If you buy direct, you do not use a local agent and instead buy buying direct from a company like Progressive or Esurance. Shopping for auto insurance direct may be good for families who do not have complex finances and have a good understanding of what coverage options they need.

What is the best way for finding the cheapest auto insurance for a learners permit in Arkansas? The obvious answer would be buying from a direct car insurance company saves the most money since there isn’t an agent involved, but in reality, that is not the case. And we’d like to say using an independent agent guarantees the cheapest rates since there are more companies to choose from, but that assumption is also not accurate. For the right applicant, exclusive agencies have coverage prices that are well below what direct and independents offer.

Since auto insurance rates vary so much, the one way to get the cheapest rates is to get rate quotes and compare. Industry experts recommend getting rate quotes from all three to have enough rates to compare. For a list of auto insurance companies with low rates, click here to view.