New Windshield or Rock Chip Repair

We’ve all been driving down the road when a passing vehicle kicks up a rock and puts a chip in our windshield. It’s frustrating indeed, but there’s a good change that your car insurance company will pay to have the rock chip repaired at no cost to you!

This is a coverage that you definitely want to double check if your company offers. The largest car insurance company in America does NOT offer this coverage, so if you are insured by them, switching insurance companies could be a good move if you receive a lot of rock chips and gravel pits.

With advancements in rock chip repair, the repair site is barely noticeable and a good repair can prevent cracks from spidering across your windshield. This can prolong the life of your windshield and keep you from having to pay a deductible every time you get a new one.

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Rock chip repair can cost anywhere from $20 to $60 per repair, but most companies will pay this cost for you. They understand that a rock chip repair is cheaper than new glass, and it saves you money.  If you have multiple repairs each year, this savings is substantial and a chip repair does not count against you as an insurance claim.

So the next time you talk to your agent, ask if rock chip repair is covered under your policy. If it isn’t, it might be time to look for a more customer-focused car insurance company!