Make a New Year’s resolution to lower your car insurance rates

New Years ResolutionAs we come to the end of 2008, you’ll undoubtedly be making a few New Year’s resolutions. It’s the perfect time to add cutting your auto insurance premiums to the list of “to-do’s” in 2009.

Car insurance companies adjust their rates on a regular basis, and the great deal you got a year or two ago may not be the lowest auto insurance rate today. If you’ve maintained a good driving record and kept your credit rating above par, then now is a great time to find out if you can save some money on your car insurance rates.

If you’re one of the many consumers who spent a little too much during the holiday season, you can easily make some of that back by getting comparison quotes from other insurance companies. Quotes only take a few minutes to complete and are absolutely free. You could save three, four even five hundred dollars or more just by taking a little time and shopping around for a better deal on your car insurance!