Cheap Car Insurance Quotes for Drivers Under 21 in Wyoming

Cheap Car Insurance Quotes for Drivers Under 21 in Wyoming

The vehicle you are trying to insure is a large consideration when comparison shopping for affordable car insurance for drivers under 21. Vehicles with reasonable performance levels, an excellent safety record, or a positive history of liability claims will cost quite a bit less to insure than fast, unsafe models. The next lists ranks auto insurance costs for a selection of the more afforable vehicles to insure.

Auto Insurance Rates for Popular Cars in Wyoming
Make, Model, and Trim Level Annual Cost Semi-Annual Cost Monthly Cost
Ford Focus SEL 4-Dr Sedan $3,902 $1,951 $325
Ford Fusion Sport 4-Dr Sedan $3,972 $1,986 $331
Honda Accord LX-P 4-Dr Sedan $3,142 $1,571 $262
Honda Civic DX 4-Dr Sedan $3,692 $1,846 $308
Hyundai Elantra GLS Touring Station Wagon $3,142 $1,571 $262
Hyundai Sonata Limited 4-Dr Sedan $4,272 $2,136 $356
Toyota Corolla XRS $3,972 $1,986 $331
Volkswagen Jetta SEL 4-Dr Sedan $3,972 $1,986 $331
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Data based on single male driver age 18, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1000 deductibles, and Wyoming minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, and safe-driver. Price information does not factor in specific location information which can raise or lower premium rates greatly.

Insurance Rates for Popular SUVs and Crossovers in Wyoming
Make, Model, and Trim Level Annual Cost Semi-Annual Cost Monthly Cost
Acura MDX with Tech Package 4WD $4,008 $2,004 $334
BMW X5 M AWD $4,746 $2,373 $396
Chevrolet Suburban LT 4WD $3,762 $1,881 $314
Chevrolet Traverse LT 2WD $3,212 $1,606 $268
Ford Escape XLT 2WD $3,142 $1,571 $262
Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer AWD $3,762 $1,881 $314
GMC Acadia SLE AWD $3,728 $1,864 $311
Honda CR-V EX 4WD $3,178 $1,589 $265
Honda Pilot EX 2WD $3,552 $1,776 $296
Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 2WD $3,972 $1,986 $331
Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4WD 2-Dr $3,518 $1,759 $293
Nissan Pathfinder SE 4WD $3,518 $1,759 $293
Toyota Highlander Limited 2WD $4,008 $2,004 $334
Toyota RAV4 2WD $3,728 $1,864 $311
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Data variables include single male driver age 18, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1000 deductibles, and Wyoming minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include claim-free, and safe-driver. Table data does not factor in the specific area where the vehicle is garaged which can increase or decrease rates substantially.

Car Insurance Rates for Popular Pickup Trucks in Wyoming
Make, Model, and Trim Level Annual Cost Semi-Annual Cost Monthly Cost
Chevrolet Silverado LS Crew Cab 2WD $4,272 $2,136 $356
Dodge Ram 2500 Crew Cab ST 4WD $4,308 $2,154 $359
Dodge Ram 3500 Crew Cab SLT 2WD $4,254 $2,127 $355
Dodge Ram Crew Cab Sport 2WD $4,308 $2,154 $359
Ford F-150 Lariat Crew Cab Platinum 4WD $4,008 $2,004 $334
Ford F-250 XL Super Cab 2WD $4,272 $2,136 $356
GMC Sierra 2500HD SLE Regular Cab 4WD $3,972 $1,986 $331
GMC Sierra 3500HD SLE Regular Cab 2WD $4,008 $2,004 $334
GMC Sierra Denali Crew Cab 2WD $4,218 $2,109 $352
Toyota Tundra Limited Crew MAX 2WD $4,272 $2,136 $356
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Price data assumes single male driver age 18, no speeding tickets, no at-fault accidents, $1000 deductibles, and Wyoming minimum liability limits. Discounts applied include safe-driver, and claim-free. Rates do not factor in Wyoming location which can increase or decrease insurance rates noticeably.

One of the key factors that is used to calculate the amount you pay each year for auto insurance is your zip code in Wyoming. Areas with more people or higher crime rates like Buffalo, Newcastle, and Torrington tend to have more expensive auto insurance rates, whereas areas with less crime or weather claims generally pay less for car insurance.

The illustration below shows the more expensive cities in Wyoming for drivers under 21 to purchase auto insurance in.

Wyoming cities ranked by car insurance cost
Rank City Annual Rate
1 Buffalo $1,220
2 Jackson $1,218
3 Newcastle $1,218
4 Lander $1,204
5 Torrington $1,204
6 Wheatland $1,204
7 Riverton $1,195
8 Worland $1,187
9 Rawlins $1,180
10 Ranchettes $1,179
11 Evanston $1,176
12 South Greeley $1,176
13 Mills $1,174
14 Gillette $1,173
15 Douglas $1,168
16 Warren AFB $1,168
17 Cheyenne $1,167
18 Laramie $1,162
19 Green River $1,159
20 Cody $1,151
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Premium amounts are comparative as the garaging address in Wyoming can change premiums greatly.

Buying cheap car insurance is confusing at best, and figuring out which companies quote the cheapest car insurance rates for drivers under 21 takes a bit more work. Insurance premiums should be significantly pricier than the state average due to the higher likelihood of claims related to selling coverage for minors, but competitively-priced insurance may be achievable if you do a thorough comparison. Each insurance company uses a little different formula for determining rates, so we’ll take a look at the most affordable car insurance companies in Wyoming.

It’s a good idea to be aware that Wyoming car insurance rates are determined by lots of factors that will increase or decrease the cost of a policy. Turning one year older, moving to a different location, or getting a speeding ticket may prompt premium changes that can make some companies more affordable than the competition.

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Wyoming car insurance ranked by cost per year
Rank Company Cost Per Year
1 USAA $631
2 Safeco $918
3 The Hartford $952
4 GEICO $978
5 National Farmers Union $1,010
6 State Farm $1,023
7 Grange $1,120
8 California Casualty $1,386
9 Allstate $2,104
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USAA may offer some of the most affordable car insurance rates in Wyoming at around $631 annually. Safeco, The Hartford, GEICO, and National Farmers Union also rank well as some of the more affordable Wyoming auto insurance companies.

As illustrated above, if you currently buy coverage from Safeco and switched to USAA, you could earn a yearly savings of in the neighborhood of $287. Customers with The Hartford might save as much as $321 a year, and GEICO policyholders might see rate reductions of $347 a year.

Remember that these estimates are averages for all ages of drivers and types of vehicles and do not take into consideration a price surcharge for drivers under 21. So the car insurance company that is best suited for you may not even be included in the rate chart shown above. That points out the importance of why you need to compare rates from multiple companies using your own driver information and specific vehicle type.

Irresponsible driving raises your rates

The obvious way to receive the most affordable car insurance rates for minors is to be a good driver and not have accidents or get tickets. The diagram below shows how speeding tickets and accident claims influence car insurance costs for each age group. The costs are based on a married male driver, full physical damage coverage, $500 deductibles, and no discounts are applied to the premium.

google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawVioqcibChart);function drawVioqcibChart() {var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([[‘Age of Insured’, ‘No Violations or Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and No Accidents’, ‘Two Speeding Tickets and One Accident’],[‘Age 20’, 2729,3327,3927],[‘Age 30’, 1429,2027,2627],[‘Age 40’, 1379,1975,2577],[‘Age 50’, 1263,1861,2461],[‘Age 60’, 1237,1835,2439],[‘Age 70’, 1433,2029,2631]]);var options = {title: ‘Impact of Violations and Accidents on Wyoming Auto Insurance Prices’,titleTextStyle: {color: ‘#333’, fontSize: 17, bold: true},width: ‘100%’,height: 600,’chartArea’: {left:100,top:50,’width’: ‘100%’, ‘height’: ‘70%’},legend: {position: ‘bottom’,textStyle: {fontSize: 12}},colors:[‘#b2da64′,’#eed355′,’#e39e71’],hAxis: {title: ‘Annual Auto Insurance Cost for Average Vehicle in Wyoming’,minValue: 0,format: ‘$###,###’},vAxis: {title: ‘Age of Insured’}};var formatter = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({fractionDigits: 0,prefix: ‘$’});formatter.format(data,1);formatter.format(data,2);formatter.format(data,3);var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById(‘qcibvio’));chart.draw(data, options);}

In the previous chart, the average cost of auto insurance per year with a clean driving record and no accidents is $1,578. Factor in two speeding tickets and the average cost hikes up to $2,176, an increase of $597 each year. Then include one accident along with the two speeding tickets and the annual cost of car insurance for drivers under 21 goes up to an average of $2,777. That’s an increase of $1,199, or $100 per month, just for not driving carefully!

Who is cheaper: Progressive, Geico, State Farm, or Allstate?

When comparing rates for auto insurance for minors in Wyoming, four companies you’ll want quotes from are Progressive, Geico, State Farm, and Allstate. They all have the same basic coverages, but each one has a slightly different mix of options and features that policyholders can choose from. The data below compares and contrasts price, claims, and customer service ratings, as well as some optional coverages that are available.

Top Auto Insurance Company Ratings
Progressive Geico State Farm Allstate
Claims Rank 4th 3rd 2nd 1st
Overall Price 3rd 1st 2nd 4th
Overall Satisfaction 3rd 1st 4th 2nd
Policy Discounts 4th 2nd 3rd 1st
Market share percentage 8.8% 11.4% 18.3% 10%
Mechanical breakdown insurance Yes Yes No No
Emergency roadside assistance Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rating based on usage Yes No Yes Yes
Coverage for ridesharing Yes Yes Yes Yes
Accident forgiveness Yes Yes No Yes
New car replacement coverage No No No Yes
Where you can buy Buy online or from an independent agent Can buy online or use a Geico agent State Farm-only agents Allstate exclusive agents
Number of agents 30,000+ 150+ 18,000+ 11,000+
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Cheapest insurance quotes for minors

Drivers have a lot of ways to find lower-cost car insurance in Wyoming, but the most frequently used are through an exclusive insurance agency like Auto-Owners or State Farm, a non-exclusive or independent agent, or direct from companies such as Geico or Progressive.

They all have the same end result, but they differ in how they price policies.

Independent insurance agencies write business for many companies and can get rate quotes from each one. They can quote with many companies and provide you with more rate quotes, which may give you a better chance of saving money. If your premiums go up, your agent can switch companies which prevents you from having to find an new insurance agent.

Exclusive agents are limited to one insurance company, two of the more popular are State Farm and Auto-Owners agents. They usually cannot provide multiple price quotes, so smart shoppers will want to get additional comparison quotes.

If you buy direct, you skip a local agent and instead shop buying direct from a company like Esurance or Progressive. Shopping direct may be good for families who have fewer assets and have an above average understanding of how car insurance works and possible exclusions.

Which way works best to find cheap car insurance for drivers under 21 in Wyoming? It would be obvious to point out buying direct saves the most money because there are no middleman commissions, but unfortunately, it’s not that cut and dried. An argument could also be made that using an independent agent results in the best rates because they can quote many companies, but again, it’s not necessarily true. In many cases, exclusive agencies may have very competitive prices that are the lowest in Wyoming.

Due to the fact that car insurance rates vary so much, really the only way to ensure the lowest rates is to get quotes and compare the rates. The ideal approach is to get price quotes from all three to get an idea of which is cheapest. For a list of companies with some of the cheapest Wyoming car insurance rates, click here to view.