American Family vs Liberty Mutual - Car Insurance Rates Compared

Car insurance from American Family or Liberty Mutual may be cheap in your area, but it's important to find out if the company's service is as good as their prices. Getting unbiased ratings of car insurance companies can help you make an informed decision and compare companies before making a purchasing decision.

Quickly compare rates from top auto insurance companies like American Family and Liberty Mutual to find the cheapest rate!

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Survey Ratings for American Family and Liberty Mutual

  American Family Ratings Liberty Mutual Ratings
Policy Offerings American Family Policy Offerings Liberty Mutual Policy Offerings
Pricing American Family Pricing Liberty Mutual Pricing
Billing and Payment American Family Billing Liberty Mutual Billing
Contacting the Insurer American Family Support Liberty Mutual Support
Overall Satisfaction American Family Satisfaction Liberty Mutual Satisfaction
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Data source: J.D.Power 2011 National Auto Insurance Study

American Family scored the same as Liberty Mutual on policy offerings. Policy offerings compares the different types of coverages available from each car insurance company. The more coverages you can choose from means you can get an insurance program that is more tailored to your specific needs.

American Family and Liberty Mutual Price Comparison

American Family was rated about the same as Liberty Mutual on insurance prices. That doesn't mean that American Family will always have identical prices on car insurance than Liberty Mutual, however. Finding the best car insurance rate depends entirely upon comparing both American Family and Liberty Mutual car insurance rates.

American Family vs Liberty Mutual - Car Insurance Rates Compared

Car insurance companies can be selective as to which drivers receive the best rates, so get a car insurance quote to compare the lowest rates for companies in your area. American Family or Liberty Mutual may have the best rates, but you may be surprised by the rates of other companies as well.

For payment options, American Family was rated similar to Liberty Mutual. More billing options allows you to pay your bill either more or less frequently.

Perhaps most important is being able to actually get ahold of your car insurance company to file a claim or review coverages. For ease of contacting the insurance company, American Family ended up the same as Liberty Mutual.

Choosing the Best Insurance Company

Will you really have a better experience if a company has more stars? Consumer ratings are a good place to start when buying car insurance, but just because American Family earned a similar consumer rating as Liberty Mutual, that doesn't mean you will have the identical experience.

Keys to Finding the Best Car Insurance

  • Higher physical damage deductibles mean less premium paid
  • Make sure you compare apples-to-apples coverages
  • Better credit means lower car insurance rates
  • Every year, shop your car insurance coverage around to find the lowest rate